Friday, September 24, 2010


i have been 6 days without a vegetable.
and there's so much more ;)
my apologies more not much blogging but interent is scarce and the timing has not been right. however! there will be detailed accounts and happenings posted upon the finding of good interent connection, promise!

so here's a snapshot:
flew into kochi on the southwestern edge of india, the flight itself was a adventure but damn it hardly compares to what has followed. we headed south to alleppey, went on a backwaters tour and walked the beach, met locals,, got stared at by everyone...oh that's still happening...;)
then headed south to kanyakumari the southern tip of india where 3 oceans collide! it's freaking fantastically beautiful and people flock to the spot to watch the sunrise and attend the sacred temple. we've been here, sorta...for over a week...because (insert drum roll here) Travis got typhoid! turns out immunizations are not 100%. go figure ;) SO, we spent a good chunk of days in the most fantastic hospital (Dr. Kumaraswami Health Center) that isthe most amazing place (not for its facilities or cleanliness, but for its staff) and now T is all healed up and we're heading north tomorrow to kodaikannal to meet a farmer starting some progresive ideas in the country. hope all are doing well and NOT having typhoid ;)
more soon, pinky swear!

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